Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cottus - Self-titled EP, 2014


   I opened my bag this morning, and saw an unopened, unwrapped, interactive CD, then I remembered, last week I bought the new self-titled EP from Halifax band, Cottus! Brand new. I got that feeling everyone USED TO GET whenever we had a new disk, with new albumn art, new liner notes, new smell, new feel. The disk was even hard to remove from the case. SO NEW!!!

   I also got this old (how do I explain?) ...reviewer/critic/understander feeling. Knowing I have the time to sit, and listen from start to finish, and try to get an idea of what the artist is doing with this project. So, sitting here with my coffee and 2 pitbulls, watching the 'sun' come up in Halifax (it's friggin' foggy out), I threw the disk in the laptop. I've seen Cottus live quite a few times, even sharing the stage with them, and I always have a great time.

   I'm halfway through the disk, and so far, I've heard what sounds like a house party gone wrong, a choir, a didgeridoo, a swarm of insects, and an angry mob. Somehow, that's exactly what you WANT to hear mixed around/under your heavy metal. It just works!

   You can tell these guys put a lot of work into this offering. The layering of the tracks is done well. The metal is definitely there, but what right away stand out, are the smooth transitions from the extra atmosphere into the music. The songs are well orchestrated, with great build ups, from just a lone guitar to robust, blaring, wall paper pealing (note: Gus's?), fists of sound. The vocals are a little bit (a lot bit) screamy, but not TOO overbearing, matching the intensity of the song. The instrumentation is awesome, with great riffs from the guitar and low end. The drums are excellent (although not loud enough, on this release).

   Cottus are definitely a Halifax band you should see live. Between the on-the-spot operatic-raver-acrobatic vocals, and the dreaded didgeridoo guitarist, you've got a SHOW.

You can find Cottus on Facebook and ReverbNation.
You can find Cottus' new, self-titled EP at Mary Jane's Smokeshop in Halifax.

Music Reviewing

   It's been a while since i did any proper music reviewing. It's been on my mind to start up again. I used to run a small website, but I did it as an experiment. I needed to see how hard, or how easy, it was to start a small business, build everything involved as cheaply as possible, and then step back and let the business grow with minimal work involved. I mainly took an Encouraging or Influencing roll in the growth, making connections and contacts along the way.
   Social media was still young at the time, even though it seemed huge. Twitter wasn't around yet, and Myspace was still a thing (pre-justin, pre-collapse). Facebook didn't have a Music or Band tab. Label reps were loving new mp3's and digital media kits. Huge bands were selling the MOST albums they'd ever sold, so quick. The iTunes store was only a couple years old, so physical AND digital sales were incredible. Music sharing was huge, since Metallica forced smart computer kids to find better ways to send more files, faster, at better qualities.
   The music world was becoming very... arguable. Loads of huge opinions floated around the internet about label failure and industry collapse. Fingers were pointed and time was lost. While people were writing articles and giving lectures, the resourceful young turned the internet into the largest music library ever, and set a template for what was to come: Availability.
   It is SOOO easy, and cheap, to record yourself and get it out there, now. Everyone has become a 'pro' at marketing THEMSELVES online, so it's easy enough to do all the regular online networking stuff.
   ...but what hasn't changed?
GOOD music.
And the work it takes to craft it.

   The basic formula and content for the industry hasn't transformed, just the medium and it's accessibility. I think this is why I want to start reviewing again. New times. New city.

   I'll start by putting everything on this blog, until I expand to a proper site.